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البحث عن الرحلات
Throughout history, Jordan has served as a crossroads for trade, peoples, and cultures, connecting the East and the West. Amman, the country’s capital city, is historically significant for many of its early civilizations and the Biblical sites surrounding the city. Today, its new leafy residential districts, cafes, bars, modern malls and art galleries blend perfectly with the enchanting old, making the city one of the must-see destinations in the Middle East.
Jordanian Dinar.
Summers in Amman last from May to September and are hot and dry with cool evenings. December and January are the coldest months with an average temperature of 10°C. Spring is brief, lasting from April to May and mild, occasionally even experiencing snowfall. Autumn is also mild and lasts from September to late November or December.
Arabic is the national language.
GMT +2:00 Hours.
Jordanian Dinar
English is widely spoken in Amman and it is the second language after Arabic.
UTC +02:00
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عند استمرارك في تصفح موقع الطيران العُماني omanair.com ، فإنك بذلك توافق على شروط الاستخدام وسياسة الخصوصية بالإضافة إلى استخدام ملفات تعريف الإرتباط. وللمزيد من المعلومات، يرجى مراجعة سياسة ملفات الإرتباط .