Flights À Colombo , Sri Lanka

Colombo is the capital and commercial and business center of Sri Lanka. A port city with a rich colonial heritage, Colombo is a true fusion of races, religions and cultures. The city offers visitors so much to do, from the most adventurous of activities to the simplest pleasures. With historical monuments, colonial architecture, festivals and events, beaches, fine dining, and shopping, you might struggle to fit it all into one trip!

Main attractions
  • Galle Face Green.
  • Gangaramaya Temple
  • Viharamahadevi Park
  • Independence Square.
  • Beira Lake
  • Jami Ul-Alfar Mosque.
  • Seema Malakaya.
  • Colombo Lotus Tower.
  • Dutch Museum.
  • Old Parliament Building.


Sri Lankan Rupee (SLR)


The weather in Colombo is fairly temperate throughout the year, similar to the climate in southern India, in that it experiences two monsoons and a dry season. From December to March the weather remains fairly dry. The average temperature in Colombo is 28°C and the maximum temperature is 31ºC. The temperature drops down to an average of 22°C between November and March. The humidity is very high in Colombo and rainfall fluctuates depending on the dry and wet seasons.


Official Language is "Sinhala & Tamil", "English" is the link language

Time Difference

GMT +05:30 Hours.

la devise

Rupee (SLRs)


Official Language is "Sinhala & Tamil", "English" is the link language.

Différence de temps

UTC +05:30

Ticket Prices Colombo
Météo à Colombo

légère pluie

28 °C

partiellement nuageux

29 °C


29 °C


28 °C


29 °C

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