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البحث عن الرحلات
Chennai is the capital of Tamil Nadu and is known as one of India’s top 4 metropolitan cities, and an important educational, cultural and commercial hub. Brimming with history and culture, visitors can enjoy grand monuments, popular music, arts and festivals, as well as having convenient access to the wildlife safaris and tours in the surrounding region. Chennai itself is home to the second longest urban beach in the world and is also a popular destination for medical tourism.
Indian Rupee (INR)
Chennai has a tropical wet and dry climate with a monsoon season lasting from June to September. However, because of its proximity to the coast, the city does not suffer from extreme temperatures. Winters occur between November and February, with January being the coolest month of the year. This is considered the most pleasant time of the year to visit the city.
English is widely spoken and understood in all cities and Tourist areas. Hindi is the official language.
GMT +05:30 Hours.
Indian Rupee
UTC +05:30
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